CCi Legal Day Programme 2008

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CCi Legal Day, Tuesday, July 29, 2008 Sapporo hosted by the iCommons iSummit
DOWNLOAD the program.

Includes speaker bios and logistics for the Legal Day.

Transportation and Registration

8.00am Bus departs from Sapporo Grand Hotel to Sapporo Convention Center
8.30 - 9.00 Registration

Status Quo


9.00 - 9.30

  • Catharina Maracke, Mike Linksvayer, and Diane Peters - Introduction
  • What happened since Dubrovnik - New Jurisdiction Projects / Version 3.0
  • New Protocols (CC+, CC0, ccREL for lawyers) slides

“International Porting Part 1”

9.30 - 10.45

  • Peculiarities for Japan / “digital copyright” - Prof. Tamura (Hokkaido University)
  • Moral Rights -- Prof. Susy Frankel (CC New Zealand, Victoria University of Wellington)
  • Questions / Discussion

10.45 - 11.15 Coffee break

"International Porting Part 2"

11.15 - 13.00

  • General remarks regarding license incompatibility - Dr. Lucie Guibault
  • On the porting process – Dr. Prodromos Tsiavos
  • Open discussion regarding international porting: Challenges for different national licenses in the next 5 years

13.00 - 14.30 Lunch

Future Versioning

"CC licenses worldwide"

14.30 – 15.00

  • Giorgos Cheliotis, Mike Linksvayer (slides)

The international architecture - "Private International Law ”

15.00 - 15.30

  • Questions regarding cross border licensing – Catharina Maracke (working group)

“On licensing of Derivative Works”

15.30 - 16.00

  • How can derivative works be licensed? (Questions for the BY / BY-NC) Jessica Coates

“Parallel distribution clause”

16.00 - 16.30

  • Japanese digital TV broadcasting – an example or exemption? Tomoaki Watanabe


16.30 - 17.00

Strategies for future versioning

17.00 - 17.15 Tea break

“Non Commercial”

17.15 - 17.45

  • Non Commercial definitions used in the collecting society pilots/trails (Paul Keller)
  • Introduction of research study regarding “non-commercial” (Diane Peters)

CC0 “waiver and universal public domain assertion tools“

17.45 - 18.15

  • Overview – new wording and next steps
  • Discussion (working group Moral Rights)

Kick Off Dinner

18.30 Bus departs Sapporo Convention Center for Sapporo Grand Hotel
19.10 Bus departs Sapporo Grand Hotel for Kick Off Dinner at the Okurayama Ski Jump
21.00 Bus departs Okurayama Ski Jump for the Sapporo Grand Hotel

Other CC-related sessions


Session 2
Session summary: Getting everyone up to speed on the implications, capabilities and parameters of the cc+ protocol - the prime legal mover in terms of this track. (Eric Steuer) >1 hour

Outcome: We are all on the same page with regard to cc+.

Collecting Societies

Session 3.1
Open business models in the field of music have a strong link to collecting societies. The field is broader than the discussion about collecting societies although, at the moment collecting societies are one of the important players.

This session is a panel discussion around the issues at the intersection between the open music business and collecting societies. There have been some significant changes recently in the collecting societies regime and these will be grappled with in this session.

At least half of the time in the session will be dedicated to open discussion.

The following questions will be addressed:

   * What is the role of collecting societies in these business models
   * What is the role of the new platforms (jamendo, myspace, magnatune etc.)
   * Are they in a position to replace collecting societies (in the long run)?
   * What is the role for cc in all of this? (more than a provider of standard licenses?)
   * Does cc+ make sense for musicians?
   * How does it interface with collective rights management?

International IPR Governance, Internal Deliberation and Creative Commons


When: 1400, 30/07/2008

Where: Room 101 (the room where the press conference will have been held in the morning)


International and regional institutions such as WIPO or the European Commission increasingly constitute the fora where the decision making for the future direction of IPR policies takes place. Whereas global, commons-oriented organizations, such as Creative Commons, are acknowledged as important stakeholders in the process of global IPR policy formation, they have often been absent from the consultation process. In this session we propose to discuss if and how Creative Commons and its international projects in now over 45 countries of the world should strive towards setting up an internal process of co-ordination and consultation on important IPR-related policy proposals being debated in national and international forums. Furthermore, should this internal process be set up, what structure needs to be created in order for it to effectively advocate its positions at international forums.