Grants/odyspree 2010

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odyspree 2010

Applicants: treibhaus 0.8
Affiliation: treibhaus 0.8
CC affiliated? No
Contact: Adrian Schwarz
Coordinator: Adrian Schwarz, Annette Beyer, Doro Martin
Project Start: 2010/07/29
Project End: 2010/07/30
Download budget Discussion

Describe the project you are proposing as clearly as possible in just five sentences.

The “odyspree 2010 – a creative storytelling boat trip” is a live event. On the 29th of July 2010 our target group will experience an inspiring boat trip on the river Spree in Berlin. They are invited to develop creative stories from scratch and become part of a storytelling-battle on stage, including culture and art program. The event takes place on the “Island of youth” in the district of Treptow, Berlin (Germany). We, 10 students at, want to inform other creative minds about the job of doing conceptual design in event marketing.

Detail the tangible project output (e.g., paper, blog post, written materials, video/film, etc.; this would be in addition to the final written report that successful grant recipients will be expected to deliver to CC at the conclusion of the project).

Local and regional media coverage (e.g. event partner, magazine) Media cooperation with magazines (e.g. plot, magazine) Social media activities such as, and our blog will feature our event on their site. Guerillia Marketing activities such as paste Post-Its in public spaces, universities and on certain business events in Berlin, Hamburg and Cologne. Word of mouth (friends and business network) in pre-communication and aftermath of the event. And: We are planning to submit the ODYSPREE project for next years FAMAB (Assosciation Event-Marketing Germany) ADAM and EVA Award.

Describe the community you are targeting. How would the project benefit the community?

Focus Group 1: Young creative talents. We offer our guest (the participants) the possibility to experience what good event-marketing is all about: fresh ideas, methods and existing material to produce outstanding concepts. And: Young creative talents are seeking jobs - some may be willing to do concept design as a job and start working doing event marketing. Focus Group 2: Employees and employers. Event-Marketing Agencies do have trouble finding the right people for creative tasks. We help them find the right people and we, the creators of the event, will find an audience who like our work. It is all about giving and taking. Focus Group 3: Aritsts Actors, performers and artists participate in the project. They stage-manage the invented stories live on stage. We give them an audience and pay for their appearance. Focus Group 4: Companies Companies all over the world need and want to communicate with their customers. More often companies choose to do that live - using specific digital channels in />

What is your relationship with the community you are targeting? Why are you the best individual/organization to lead this project? Do you have prior experience in related projects?

We, 10 creative students and young professionals, participate in the only postgraduate studies that exist in Germany in the area of “concept design in event marketing” at Extra-occupational we spend our time and energy in this project because we know best, how it feels to tackle chances at the beginning of ones career and find the right job. We do have experience in related projects, such as excursions, business events, theatre, art, film, music and writing. We unit a lot of knowledge and expertise within our group of 10 and 1 - and it is the first time we invent something like the “ODYSPREE – creative storytelling boat trip”.

How will you measure and evaluate your project’s impact - on your main participants? Other contributors? On the larger community?

Social media is our key to get in touch with our target groups. So far we do have around 400 followers on twitter, facebook and our blog. We create attention by word of mouth within our business and friends networks. We will evalute how people liked the event by asking them. Furthermore we expect a substantial media coverage. In the aftermath we keep in touch with a newsletter. Some participants will join next years postgraduate studies at treibhaus08.

How many participants do you expect to be involved in your project? How will you seek and sustain their involvement?

To seek involvement we do have a strong digital pre-communication using social media such as facebook and twitter. In addition we do have a specific analog pre-commuication to catch ones attention walking around in the “CO2-World”. At the event 36 creative talents will find place on the boats. We will guide them trough the storytelling-program on that particular day. 150 Persons are invited as guests to watch the show in the evening. 10 partner agencies will be present at the event. Post processing we will put all digital content online (videos, music, calendar) and share it within out networks and the broader internet community. Last but not least we, the 10 students running the project guided by Annette Beyer head of our postgraduate studies at treibhaus0, are highly involved.

Describe how your project will benefit Creative Commons' mission to increase the amount of creativity (cultural, educational, and scientific content) in "the commons".

First: We use, grow and increase creativity and material. We take from and contribute to the existing vibrant culture and share the odyspree-event with the public. We ignite/motivate other people to use and share their creativity with others in order to build something new. Second: In our daily commercial jobs we create ideas, develop concepts and sell them to customers. They pay for good concept design – but who is the owner of the concept / idea / play / sound? Customers, agencies, freelancers and artists demand flexible solutions – such as CC copyright licences. We, being creators and users, want to define what to do with material, our work and to what extend we distribute it. Licences for clear ownership structure are very helpful if one releases content. Since we cooperate with a lot of suppliers, performers and artists to bring messages / content / products live on stage, we´d like to work with more flexible and collaborative regulatory frameworks.

Describe what technologies and tools your project will use. What kinds of technical skills and expertise do you bring to the project? What are your technical needs?

To inform people we do use social media, classic pr in mass media and ambient media. During the event we do use storytelling as a creative tool and mix it with light, sound and artist performances. We do have a location, a dramaturgy of the event, a network of friends and technical support to get the show on stage. We are musicians, performers, computer scientists, humanists, writers who can handle all technique involved by ourselves.

What challenges do you expect to face, and how do you plan to overcome them?

An external challenge is money - that is why we file the application for “Catalyst Grants”. An internal challenge was to get 10 creative minds under one umbrella and come up with one idea. We mastered that challenge successfully and came up with a fantastic idea - odyspree - and created a whole lot of new ideas along the road, ready to come to reality in the near future.

How do you plan to sustain your project after the Creative Commons funding has ended? Detail specific plans. How do you plan to raise revenue to continue your efforts in the future?

The revenue we raise is human creativity that will unfold one way or the other in the future. Since this event “odyspree – creative storytelling boat trip” creates emotions, experiences and knowledge it is a very sustainable project. So far this event will be a once in a lifetime happening that will trigger people to share their creativity with others, start a career doing concept design working in an agency or work as a freelance in any other creative job. For sure something new and exciting will grow from the event which inspires our participants to create and grow – that’s why we do it. That´s how we did it.

How can this project be scalable, or have a scalable impact?

We do count followers using our social media sites, we will count visitors of the event, we will count print copies! Ok - but more important is that we touch hearts, deliver joy and make people understand that they can use their creativity doing concept design. Some participants will generate further business driving event-concepts with their creativity, others may choose to create, reuse and built solutions for other needs in our society.

What resources and support do you expect Creative Commons to provide to your project to ensure its success (if any)?

So far we do not need any other resources than money. We got good people involved, great ideas and necessary material.

Describe how your organization currently communicates with its community members and network partners. (100 words)

We, the students of treibhaus08, communicate via E-Mail on the phone via SMS and live. We share links and send tweets. We generate external awareness through social media activities, media coverage and word to mouth. On the website we integrate affiliated partner agencies.

