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Property: alignmentType

Description: The alignment relationship between the resource and the competency.

Expected Type:

Preferred Enumeration

While the expected content for alignmentType is simply a text string and thus can be anything, the LRMI project recommends users to select from on of the terms in the below list.

  • assesses - The relationship is one where the resource assesses a given competency.
    • example: This resource is a quiz that assess the learner's ability to do single digit multiplication.
  • teaches - The relationship is one where the resource teaches the learner a given competency.
    • example: This resource teaches the learner how to do single digit multiplication.
  • requires - The relationship is one where the resource requires that the learner has a given comptency to use the resource.
    • example: This resource is about multivariable calculus and requires the learner to already have some level of competency with single variable calculus.
  • textComplexity - The relationship is one where the resouce is judged to have a given text complexity.
    • example: This resource has been judged to have a text complexity of 600L (600 Lexile).


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